
Being in the Metropolis

The Metropolis and Mental Life" was published in 1903 by the sociologist and philosopher George Simmel. Although the urban dweller's state was perceived as liberated from root-bound conformity and tradition, they eventually develop "the blase attitude" to themselves, others and their overstimulating surroundings. In his main work ,"The Philosophy of Money" (German) he sets the frame of reference for his social theory.

The Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies (GSZ) in Berlin “...is intended to bring together the numerous scientific competencies of the various areas of expertise which deal with the large city and the metropolis.” The “metropolis” as opposed to the “megacity” of the Newly Industrialized Countries belongs to their research clusters.

Concepts of global cities, megacities and metropolis are theorised, absent seem to be concepts of the transnational metro-dwellers.

Lots of resources on the web and even events (Gauging the Metropolis – Narratives and City Maps ) cover the topic.
Image: Berlin, Mitte

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